A credit commits you and must be repaid. Check your repayment capacity before you commit.
Discover the financing solutions you can benefit from.
Whether you carry out your work yourself or not, whether you are the owner of your home, or a tenant and whatever the nature of the work you wish to carry out, LINE INVESTMENT can provide you with a financing solution adapted to your needs and your budget.
You only have an approximate vision of the amount of your work but you still want to complete it within the next 6 months. Opt for the works project loan.
This is an envelope of financing made available to you, valid for 6 months and usable totally or in part according to your needs.
You benefit from the same conditions and advantages as on our other personal loan offers dedicated to the financing of works. In addition, the conditions of your loan package are guaranteed for 6 months.
If you do not use all of your envelope, your refund will automatically adjust to the amount actually released, at no additional cost!
You have a precise vision of the amount of your work and its duration, opt for our work loan offers